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  • ⛏️ Don’t Dismiss the Possibility of Gold Confiscation

⛏️ Don’t Dismiss the Possibility of Gold Confiscation

The Resource Roundup

Good Reads

U.S. deficit explodes even as economy grows
The federal deficit is projected to double the year, as we face another potential government shutdown this fall. The government can still issue more debt even as interest payments rise, with demand for the dollar remaining strong. But should they? Read on »

Don’t Dismiss the Possibility of Gold Confiscation
Most forecasters consider this idea either as unlikely. But, it's worth a history lesson to see that it's not an impossibility. Read on »

Community News

  • Congress To Sell 1-Million-Barrel Emergency Gasoline Stock Link>>

  • Can gold bear the bond steepener? Link>>

  • New Developments Using Silver in Technology Link>>

  • Gold prices decline, stick to a tight trading range Link>>

  • Barrick Stock Trades Below Intrinsic Value Despite Firm Gold Prices And A Strong Production Outlook Link>>


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