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  • ⛏️ Gold Miners’ Pain May Be Bullion Investors’ Gain

⛏️ Gold Miners’ Pain May Be Bullion Investors’ Gain

The Resource Roundup

Good Reads

Gold Miners’ Pain May Be Bullion Investors’ Gain
Since its inception in 2006, GDX has delivered a dismal total return of -16%. Over that same period, spot gold prices have gained a stellar 200%. At the core of the problem for gold majors is rising production costs and declining production volumes. Read on »

Rare Earth Elements and National Security: Reclaiming US Control Amid China's Monopoly
Rare earth elements (REEs) are crucial to the U.S. military, but China holds the key. China possesses 36% of the world's known rare earth reserves, controls 70% of the world's extractive capacity and 90% of the processing capacity. Read on »

Community News

  • XAG/USD Resilient Amid Gold's Woes Link>>

  • Gold prices on track for back-to-back gains following four-week losing streak Link>>

  • Gold And The ‘G7 of the East’ Link>>

  • Doomberg: "Our Fragile Energy Economy" Link>>

  • Elon Fought the Law, and the Law Lost Link>>

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