⛏️ The upcoming gold bull market

The Resource Roundup

Good Reads

The Upcoming Gold Bull Market: How High Will Gold Prices Go?
Gold is no different than any other asset class: it becomes popular, rises in price, is overvalued, and ultimately represents a poor investment. The key is figuring out when gold is undervalued or overvalued. Read on »

Massive Metals Theft Reported at Europe's Largest Copper Producer
The German recycler said late Thursday it had discovered shortfalls in metals and discrepancies in its inventory. While it is still unclear which metals are affected, the spokesperson said he expects both copper and precious metals to have been involved, as well as possibly gold and silver. Read on »

Afghanistan’s Taliban say they have signed mining contracts worth US$6.5 billion
The Taliban know Afghanistan has minerals and this is cash, but it’s not easy cash so they've partnered with China, Iran, and Turkey. The contracts include the extraction and processing of iron ore, lead, zinc and gold Read on »

Community News

  • Will We See $90 WTI Soon? Link>>

  • Gold's Resilience Gives Out Recessionary Vibes Link>>

  • Gold futures rise as data show a slowdown in U.S. job gains Link>>

  • China in Trouble Link>>

  • Saudi Crude Oil Exports Plummet as OPEC Giant Slashes Production Link>>


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