⛏️ Is Gold’s Price Breakout Here?

The Resource Roundup

Good Reads

Is Gold’s Price Breakout Here?
The price action in gold is something investors should be paying attention to. Gold is now officially breaking out in every currency including the U.S. dollar, which means it’s in a bull market. Read on »

Buy gold or gold miners? You don’t have to dig deep to hit paydirt
Gold bullion has outperformed gold-mining company shares over the past three years by one of the largest margins in decades. This is good news for gold-mining shares, since historically they have performed well following periods in which they have significantly lagged bullion. Read on »

Community News

  • What's Next for Gold? Look to China for Clues Link>>

  • Billionaire Investors Join Forces to Fund Next Gen Energy Link>>

  • Peter Krauth: Silver's Time Will Come Link>>

  • Why gold? Why silver? Link>>

  • AI helps find platinum in Australia Link>>


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